
  • Tetiana Tretyak



creative thinking, novelty, task, information, creative process, strategy


Indicators of creative thinking are analyzed: objective novelty and subjective novelty. The interpretation of creativity through novelty and usefulness is considered. A problem field is formulated regarding the solution of the contradiction regarding the homogeneity – heterogeneity of creativity. Four models of creativity are analyzed. The concepts of effective novelty and simple novelty are developed. Emphasis is placed on the functioning of incentives for the creation of effective novelty, in particular, mastery of methods of encoding information. The following fundamental criteria for defining thinking as creative are correlated: productive novelty and nonconvection thinking. The problem of the taxonomy of novelty and four types of creativity is analyzed based on taking the derivative of the corresponding matrix. The interpretive and developing potential of the KARUS system is presented. The functioning of strategies is considered: analogizing, combining, reconstruction, universal strategy, a strategy of spontaneous actions, as well as peculiarities of implementation of prohibitions and restrictions in order to develop creative thinking in difficult conditions. Creative thinking is implemented with the help of certain tools, therefore, the level of mastery of methods, means, and strategies for creative task solving, i.e. the level of systematic organization of a personality’s creative tools, can also be a criterion for the development of creative thinking. Accordingly, indicators of creative thinking development can be the following levels of use of these tools: 1) certain techniques of creative thinking are used in order to master them as problem-solving tools; 2) a person possesses the means of creative thinking necessary to solve actual problems; 3) strategies of analogizing, combining, and reconstruction are manifested at various stages of work on the task: at the stage of understanding its conditions, at the stage of constructing a plan for its solution, and at the stage of materializing this plan. The vector of creative thinking development of personality is directed from the certain means of creative thinking situational implementation to the strategic organization of creative thinking activity.


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Стратегії творчої діяльності: Школа В. О. Моляко / За заг. ред. В. О. Моляко. Київ : Освіта України. 2008. 702 с.

Функціонування творчого мислення в інформаційно-віртуальному просторі суб’єкта: монографія / В. О. Моляко, Ю. А. Гулько, Н. А. Ваганова та ін.; за ред. В. О. Моляко. Київ, 2021. 165 с.



