
  • Oleh Maziar Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University
  • Anna Marchuk Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University




thinking, meaning, illogicality, informational indeterminacy, logical and semantic connection, cognitive contradiction


The article highlights the results of the study of the relationship between illogicality and the rest of the features of thinking. In particular, the absolute indicators of illogicality in the discourse, its psychodynamics and the degree of significance in the general semantic coefficient have been determined. The opinion that illogicality in the discourse means a denial of conclusions by putting forward substantively opposite theses is being proved. The aim of illogicality is to overcome misunderstandings in the process of declaring opposite consequences, which become the foundations for a changed discourse. The diagnostic method is the “Methodology of text gaps”, which models the situation of informational indeterminacy. The sample group consisted of 104 young people. As a result of the study, it was discovered that 71% of the participants periodically resort to illogicality, but the average rate of logical and semantic connections is relatively low (7%). This is related to the fact that one third of the participants resort to illogicality only once. In the psychodynamic dimension, illogicality is used evenly throughout the task. A statistically significant increase in illogicality (р≤0.01) occurs in sentences that potentially constitute semantic dilemmas (47%). This indicates that the young people who participated in the study are either/or unable to distinguish cognitive contradictions in discourse and either/or are not successful in leveling contradictions. It was noticed that illogicality rather weakly determines the overall semantic coefficient (R2=0.08), but at the same time it reveals an inverse moderate relationship (0,29). Illogicality has a direct moderate relationship with semantic amorphousness, that is, semantically uncertain sentences (0.3), and an inverse moderate relationship with semantic effusivity, or crystallization (0.3).


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