
  • Oleg Latysh V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University



constructological approach, strategies of creative activity of an electrical engineer, analogization, combination, reconstruction


The article describes the developed V.O. Moliako creative-constructological to the study of human activity in difficult and extreme conditions is presented, and some psychological aspects of the study of the activity of an electrical engineer working in difficult conditions at an airfield are presented. The structural-dynamic model of the flow of strategies of creative mental activity of electrical engineers is described and the main strategic trends of professional thinking are characterized. Mental strategy is defined as a psychological neoplasm that subdues cognitive and emotional-volitional processes in one direction, aimed at solving a professional engineering problem. The archetypal tendencies of the researched mental activity are highlighted: analogizing, combining, and reconstructing. It is shown that analogizing strategies proceed with reliance on memory processes. Mental actions aimed at separating parts and connecting parts into a whole, combinations of various properties of objects are characteristic of the combining strategy. The levels and types of combinatorial actions determine the quality of the course of creative activity. The strategy of reconstruction manifests itself in reconstruction, in the search for contrasting solutions, according to the principle of acting on the contrary and is considered the most creative, since it is associated with the search for a different from the existing, really new element, idea, synthesis of contrasts, unusual combination of elements, objects or systems. It is shown that the manifestations of one or another strategy are determined by a number of subjective advantages when choosing one or another reference point, a method of transforming a specific microstructure, as well as with the distribution of specific actions that contribute to the achievement of the desired result. The developed experimental professional tasks are characterized and will be included in the structure of the professional creative thinking training of the future electrical engineer.


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