
"Social and Practical Psychology Journal" is a scientific periodical of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, which was founded in 2023 with the aim of popularizing scientific knowledge in the field of theoretical and practical psychology.

Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 869 as of 15.09.2023

Professional registration (category «B»): Decree of MES No 220 dated 21.02.2024 (Annex 4)

Specialty: 053 - Psychology

Periodicity: 2 times a year

Publication languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish.

ISSN 2786-9296 (Print), 2786-930X (Online)

The journal contains sections that allow comprehensive coverage of the problems of modern psychology and social sciences related to it. We welcome materials of a debatable, scientific, heuristic and theoretical nature, which are made according to high academic standards and at the same time are designed for a wide range of readers. One of the tasks of the publication is the formation of the psychological culture of the population of Ukraine, the encouragement of reflection and self-discovery.

The publications deal with issues of modern psychological science. Priority is given to articles of a research nature: scientific aerobatic studies, repeated and experimental studies. Publications of a theoretical nature should relate to the description of the author's concepts and analytical reviews (review). The subject matter of the journal can be related to general psychology, history of psychology, social psychology, age and pedagogical psychology, experimental psychology, personality psychology, military psychology, psychometrics.