
  • Larysa Borysenko
  • Larysa Korvat



emotional intelligence, structure of emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, manifestations of selfefficacy, correlation between EI features and self-efficacy


The article reveals the results of an empirical study of correlations between the features of emotional intelligence and self-efficacy. The authors analyze individual approaches to the study of emotional intelligence, selfefficacy and correlations between these phenomena in Ukrainian and foreign psychological literature. Emotional intelligence is considered as the ability of a person to realize emotions – their own and other people's, to control them and to act in accordance with the level of awareness and controllability of emotions to achieve a certain goal. Self-efficacy is analyzed as an assessment of one's own effectiveness in a particular activity, a sense of personal competence, which significantly affect and determine the forms of behavior, motivation, and emotions that contribute to or impede the success of the activity. The purpose of the article is to disclose and interpret the results of an empirical study of the manifestations of emotional intelligence and self-efficacy of the subjects, to find the correlations between the phenomena under study and their features. The study was conducted using the Emotional Intelligence Diagnostic Scale (N. Hall) and the Self-Efficacy Scale (R. Schwarzer, M. Jerusalem). The sample consisted of 50 people aged 18-20 years. The obtained results can be used in practical psychology in predicting the peculiarities of personality behavior, if necessary, understanding and correcting behavioral patterns, developing training programs for the development of emotional intelligence and self-efficacy in order to optimize the training process. Conclusions. Significant positive correlations between the indicators of emotional intelligence «emotional awareness», «management of own emotions», «integral indicator» and self-efficacy of a personality have been revealed. The existence of significant correlations between the indicators of EI and self-efficacy indicates the possibility of developing comprehensive programs for the development of EI and self-efficacy, taking into account the semantic interpretation of the identified correlations.


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