personality safety, cognitive safety, emotional and volitional safety, communication safety, social and psychological safety, personal safetyAbstract
The article contains the results of a systematic analysis of the problem of personality safety of law enforcement officers during the performance of professional tasks and in everyday, off-duty situations. A conceptual model of personality safety of law enforcement officers is presented from the standpoint of system analysis. The author's views are based on the author's development of the problems of psychological support in extreme situations, psychological training and adaptive abilities of employees to work in conditions of professional and traumatic stress. The article contains conceptual and applied aspects of the problem of personality safety of law enforcement officers. Its components are considered for protection against actual, real and probable risks and dangers and the personality integrity of employees, their professional success, reliability and security. Personality safety is considered as a hierarchical structural formation that manifests itself at different levels of individuality: biological, subconscious, psychodynamic, emotional-volitional, characterological, communicative, social-psychological, etc. It is associated with protection from dangerous, threatening overt and hidden external and internal influences. In a broad sense, personality safety is a state of complete physical, social and spiritual well-being, which is determined by internal (physical, psychological) and external (social, economic, etc.) factors. In this context, safe behavior contributes to the study, detection, weakening, elimination, prevention, repulsion, liquidation of dangers and threats that can cause serious damage to the psychological integrity of a personality, his psychophysiological state, health, life, property, etc. Personality safety consists of structural elements at each hierarchical level of individuality, from social to biological.
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