inclusive education, team of psychological and pedagogical support, inclusive resource center, universal design in education, toleranceAbstract
The article discusses the concept of «inclusive education» in Ukraine, as well as its value, importance and the challenges facing professionals. On September 5, 2017, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine adopted a new Law of Ukraine "On Education", according to which children with special educational needs have the right to receive education in all educational institutions. Every child has the right to education and inclusion in the children's community. This contributes to the child's development, which will help him or her in choosing a profession and self-realization in the future. Today, the number of children in need of help and support is growing, which points to the importance of training specialists who can provide proper, professional assistance not only to children but also to their parents. It is also very important to conduct educational work in society. The purpose of which is to tell about what inclusive education is, what its main goal and objectives are. Let's highlight the challenges facing a number of professionals who implement and develop inclusive education in Ukraine. Among the list of tasks, it is difficult to single out the most important and priority ones, because each is valuable. Often people avoid interacting with children and adults with special needs because they do not know how to behave and are afraid of saying the wrong thing. In addition, there are many myths and stereotypes in our society that need to be debunked and explained. In the educational process, as in any other field, a person is a value. That is why it is so important to approach everyone individually, take into account their strengths and help develop those that require additional attention. This will help increase the child's self-esteem and self-worth. Inclusive education has faced and still faces many obstacles that children and parents overcome every day with the help of a team of professionals working for the future of every child.
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