
  • Oksana Lavryniuk
  • Viktor Kyrychenko



motivation, motives, educational activity, professional orientation, values


The article presents and analyzes modern theories of motivation for learning activities of higher education students. The classification of the main factors of motivation for the educational and professional activity of higher education students, which include personal, pedagogical, professional and socio-psychological factors, is described. The division of motivation for professional activity according to the structural-level principle is determined, and the motivational influences that form the readiness of future specialists for practical activity are established. The main modern view of motivation is based on the theory of self-efficacy, which focuses on convincing a person that he or she is able to complete a task or cope with it. It has been established that the main task in the educational process is not only high professional training of students, but also the holistic development of the individual - a person with an active life position, capable of self-determination, self-development, conscious professional activity and self-regulation. The nature of the motives for students' learning activities is significantly influenced by motivation (both internal and external), focus, meaningfulness, satisfaction with the process, and clear goals. Student success is determined by many factors, including natural abilities and the development of motivation to learn. It is known that there is a rather complex system of interrelationships that, under certain conditions, affects the entire compensatory mechanism of the individual. Thanks to such activities, the lack of abilities is compensated by the development of motivation, which can lead to quite high results in student learning. Correct identification of professional motives, interests, and aptitudes is an important predictor of future career satisfaction. Attitude to the chosen professional activity, motives for its choice are extremely important factors that determine the success of professional training and mastering professional skills in general. The problem of motivation and motives of behavior and activity is one of the main ones in psychology.


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