
  • Oleh Maziar



thinking, meaning, illogicality, paraphrase, formal logic


Thinking as a neuropsychological process is characterized by nonuniformity and non-linearity of the course. The thinking process has such characteristics due to its incomplete identity with the operations of formal logic. The thinking process regularly and discretely goes beyond the rules of formal logic.Such phenomena as paraphrase (semantic repetitions), illogicality (contradiction) and semantic vagueness of thought are the main forms of deviations from the rules of formal logic. In order to empirically confirm this provision, we have planned a study based on the research of the correspondence of the author's text narratives and their understanding by the participants of the study. For this purpose, the participants were offered a text of a completed fiction story consisting of thirty sentences where all paired sentences were omitted. In such a way, a high level of information uncertainty has been modeled, within which the participants are trying to create a certain meaningful product. It is assumed that the meaning of the story can be varied. The results of the study showed that the process of text completion (creation of fifteen paired sentences) with regard to the semantic aspect mostly happens extremely non-uniformly. The participants (n=61) demonstrate a wide range of semantic indicators. The level of variability and ranging of semantic indicators is too high. We believe that this indicates the nonuniformity of the thinking process. The uniformity of the thinking process was characteristic of only 4% of the participants. It was determined that the uniformity of thinking usually produces a relatively higher level of general meaning of the test story. At the same time, there is a justification of assumptions that deviations from the rules of formal logic due to the phenomena of paraphrase, illogicality and semantic vagueness become the basis for creativity and serve the tasks of creating an original narrative.


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