serviceman, participation in hostilities, stress, combat stress factors, adaptability, maladjustmentAbstract
The article substantiates the relevance of the study of psychological reactions of servicemen as a result of participation in hostilities. The works of Ukrainian scientists are analyzed regarding the specifics and conditions of official activity, the description of the main mental processes of military personnel of the constructive and destructive vector of development, the nature of experiencing the stressful factors of combat. It was established that the activity of military personnel, their clear awareness of actions in battle depends on external and internal factors. The selfdeveloped structure of the peculiarities of the psychological response of military personnel to combat stress factors is given. It was determined that the psychological reactions of military personnel can develop in two vectors of development: maladaptability and adaptability of the individual. The maladjustment of military personnel ensures the formation of distress, combat stress, the further development of acute stress disorder and, possibly taking into account additional stress factors, post-traumatic stress disorder. Maladaptability is formed with complete psychological and partial professional unpreparedness of servicemen to perform combat tasks in dangerous conditions. At the same time, the adaptability of military personnel ensures the processing of combat stress factors through eustress. Adaptability is formed on the basis of successfully processed past experience, trust in the command, personal characteristics and conscious psychological preparation for possible threats and dangers. Constructive processing of extreme and crisis factors of combat, as a result, can lead to post-traumatic growth of servicemen. The long, intense, traumatic experience of participating in hostilities is the reason for changing outdated psychological institutions, behavioral patterns, the dynamics of psychological reactions and determining the direction of overcoming crisis conditions. Keywords: serviceman, participation in hostilities, stress, combat stress factors, adaptability, maladjustment
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