liminality, liminal pause, identification, post-traumatic development, psychosynthesis, disidentification, Self, conscious Self, subpersonalities.Abstract
Abstract. The authors of the article address the issue of psychological liminality, which they approach through the interconnection of the external and internal, as analyzed within the fundamental concepts of psychosynthesis. Based on this foundation, a theoretical-methodological analysis is conducted on the post-traumatic development of adults as a liminal process, distinguishing between threshold self-knowledge and threshold self-transformation. The study focuses on the theoretical substantiation of the primary stages of psychosynthesis, which coincide with psychoeducational tasks of post-traumatic development as a targeted self-development process for adults within various types of organized psychological support. Through self-reflection on the empirical application of psychosynthesis during a full-scale war, the authors introduce the concept of post-traumatic neurotization (liminal pause) due to the dominance of a protective subpersonality within the structure of a traumatized client’s personality. Instead, an alternative psychological recovery way is proposed – post-traumatic development, which prevents over-identification with either the traumatized or protective subpersonalities. The methodology of post-traumatic development, based on psychosynthesis, emphasizes the development of the conscious Self’s ability to disidentify from diverse subpersonalities within the structure of threshold self-knowledge («self-knowledge»). In the threshold self-transformation structure, the authors illustrate issues of self-regulation and self-realization of adults in the post-liminal period through the development of will. It is emphasized that only through achieving identification uncertainty, where any subpersonality is perceived by the adult client as a false identification, does the capacity for «self-mastering» and «self-transformation» become possible. It is noted, that post-traumatic growth is viewed as an untimely process of psychological survival within the potential post-traumatic development, aimed at the maximal realization of the Self, a theoretical analysis of which is also presented in the article.
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