artistic activity, artistic orientations, aesthetic sensitivity, depression, personality types.Abstract
Abstract. In today's changing, turbulent world, special attention needs to be paid to those properties that ensure the preservation, harmonious development and integrity of the personality, and act as landmarks in overcoming the contradictions, arising along the way. Creativity is a means of consciously overcoming contradictions, and one of its forms is artistic activity. Both the creation and perception of aesthetic creativity products are based on perceptual-thinking strategies and artistic orientations, which, in turn, ensure the demonstration of the author's personality in a work of art through its aesthetic qualities. The purpose of this publication is to research and describe the differences in the artistic orientations of higher education students with different personality types in relation to aesthetic sensitivity and depression. For this purpose, we chose a typology based on the ratio of aesthetic sensitivity and depression as integral properties of personality and individuality (Podshivaylov F. M ., Podshivaylova L. I., Shepelova M . V .). According to the results of the research of the dominant artistic orientations of students with different personality types, it was found that students with different personality types according to the ratio of aesthetic sensitivity and depression have differences in the dominant artistic orientations, namely, the highest indicators of the manifestation of all artistic orientations were found in students belonging to the type “Individility”. Students belonging to the “Avatarity” type (together with the “Individity” type) have the highest orientation to the semantic load of the work among all types. Reviled result indicates that representatives of these types need more expressive manifestations of these artistic qualities in works of painting. Students belonging to the “Vitality” and “Personality” types have approximately the same moderate levels of artistic orientations, which indicates their openness to perception and readiness for co-creation with the author of the work.
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