family well-being, socio-psychological features, research, wartime conditions, spouses.Abstract
Abstract. The article examines the theoretical aspects and highlights the results of the study of sociopsychological features of family well-being in wartime conditions. In the conditions of war in Ukraine, the family as a stable, traditional institution of society plays the most important role in the mechanism of self-preservation of the population. In the conditions of war and war-induced socio-economic disorganization in many territories, the family becomes a support: family solidarity, mutual help, care, exchange of activities and material resources between its members make it possible to establish livelihoods, and sometimes protect the lives of family members. During this period, the family mechanism of survival and preservation of human life, proven by many years of experience, works, the protective function of the family is strengthened. Family well-being includes the nature and level of fulfillment of social and individual functions by the spouses, the degree of satisfaction of the spouses with the relationship. In particular, the success of a couple is assessed by the degree to which the goals set by family members, general and individual, are achieved. The analysis of the results of our research showed that couples with long-term relationships are characterized by pronounced disadvantage, couples with short-term relationships have a high degree of satisfaction and well-being. In couples with a high degree of satisfaction, the "emotional attraction" scale is most pronounced. This indicates that the partners in these couples are attractive to each other, they want and strive to communicate with each other, have common relationships and interests, note the psychotherapeutic effect of communication with each other. The "understanding" scale is less pronounced, which may be due to the fact that partners continue to open up and surprise each other. In order to preserve family well-being in wartime conditions, it is important for spouses to discuss experiences and needs, observe family rituals, support children, learn to recognize emotions, practice relaxation techniques, define family roles, and discuss everyone's responsibilities.
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