
  • Anna Tyshchenko Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Nadiia Levus Ivan Franko National University of Lviv



loneliness, anxiety, family anxiety, subjective experience of loneliness, family relationships.


Abstract. The paper is devoted to the study of the subjective experience of loneliness in individuals with different levels of family anxiety. The study examines the relationship between the level of anxiety that occurs in the context of family relationships and the perception of loneliness. The research approach involves analyzing the psychological aspects of family anxiety and determining the impact of this anxiety on the psychological state of the individual. The study involved 134 students of Lviv universities. The methods used to study the subjective experience of loneliness in individuals with different levels of family anxiety were: «Self-Attitude Questionnaire» of V. Stolin, The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), E. Eidemiller's, V. Justickis' «Analysis of family relationships», «Early Memories of warmth and security scale» A. Richter, P. Gilbert, C. McEvoy, «Diagnosis of the level of subjective feeling of loneliness» D. Russell and M. Ferguson, P. Gilbert's «Early life events», J. de Jong Gierveld's «Loneliness Scale», and R. Spitzer's «Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire» (GAD-7). The place of residence of the participants, the number of family members, and the presence of siblings were also considered. The results were calculated using the Statistika 10.0 program using the following methods of statistical analysis: cluster, comparative, correlation, factor analysis. The results of the comparative analysis indicate the most positive self-attitude in the individuals of the group with a reduced level of family anxiety. They also have a lower level of loneliness and a reduced level of negative childhood memories. In the group with an average level of anxiety, subjects have a higher probability of self-blame, but they are closer to their feelings and thoughts. A group of people with an increased level of family anxiety differs from the others by a higher level of loneliness and anxiety, as well as a reduced level of pleasant memories from childhood and, conversely, an increased level of bad memories. It has been found that individuals with low levels of family anxiety may experience loneliness more strongly and deeply than those with high levels because they are often left alone. Also, research has proven that family relationships influence the development of anxiety disorders, however, living in a single-parent family in persons with a high level of family anxiety reduces it, in contrast to persons with a high and average level, in whom the level of family anxiety increases in the event of family troubles.


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