
  • Olha Savychenko Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University
  • Oleksandr Ruban NGO «Institute of Mass Information»
  • Yevgeni Shunevych Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University



journalists' mental health, depression, anxiety, professional burnout, resilient coping, post-traumatic growth.


Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of Ukrainian journalists' mental health during the war, especially the risks for psycho-emotional state and resources for resilience and growth. The results of psychological research of journalists mental state of world and Ukrainian scientists are analyzed in the work. The actual empirical research is based on the idea that the journalists' mental health during the war is closely related to their life experience of being in war conditions and functional professional responsibilities. It was found that journalists in war conditions have an average level of perceived stress with high scores on the Perceived Helplessness subscale and average scores on the Perceived Self-Efficacy subscale. Most journalists have signs of mild depression, anxiety and sleep disorders, a low level of professional burnout and resilient coping, an average level of post-traumatic growth. To overcome stress, they use cognitive reappraisal of emotions (to overcome negative emotions (annoyance, anger, depression) and improve mood (feel joy or satisfaction), change their attitude to the situation, switch attention, etc.), as well as expressive suppression of emotions (keep their emotions to themselves, try not to show them to the outside, restrain their external manifestations). Mental health complications are more often observed in fixers, journalists who are constantly in or systematically visit the war zone. They have a high level of perceived helplessness due to multifunctionality and responsibility, they often feel that they cannot cope with the entire volume of work or personal problems, and therefore suppress their own emotions, try to control their external manifestations. Obviously, this can be explained by the level and frequency of traumatic exposure. At the same time, these journalists demonstrate higher rates of resilient coping and post-traumatic growth due to the accumulated experience of overcoming stressful events, a sense of control, self-worth, and social support. They cope well with negative emotions, use creative ways of solving difficult situations, look for and use new opportunities, strengthen relationships with others.


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