
  • Oleh Maziar Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University
  • Tetiana Svitlychna Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University



thinking, cognitive development, verbal dynamics, verbal activity, age differences.


Abstract. The peculiarities of age differences in verbal dynamics are analyzed in this article. The verbal productivity of thinking is objectified during cognitive task in number of used words. The differences of statistical significance among four different age groups (n=120) are not observed (р>0,05) in current research. This partly contradicts some published studies according to which decrease of verbal activity happens with age. We tend to explain such a discrepancy in the results by the fact that during the study, cognitive activity was relatively short (25-50 minutes), and the proposed task did not involve significant cognitive complexity (the task was creative in nature, without an ideal or correct standard for completion). The methodology of study was as follows: participants needed to formulate 15 sentences in story with missing parts. All paried sentences are missed in the task. The study established that intragroup increase of verbal indicators was insignificant. This tendency is noted in every age group, except the elderly. This group shoved the equality of verbal productivity. At the same time, we established the insignificant downward trend of verbal dynamics according to age criteria, except elderly persons. The persons of youthful age have the lowest stability of verbal activity. At the same time, the youth showed the highest indicators of verbal productivity on every stage of study. We suggest that it is connected to the comparatively higher plasticity of their verbal abilities. The middle-aged group demonstrates the most stable indicators of verbal dynamics. For the elderly, the data shows consistency but with greater within-group variability in indicators compared to the middle-aged group.


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