psychological well-being, coping, coping strategies, stress, physicians.Abstract
Abstract. The quality of medical care directly depends on the psychological well-being of physicians. High responsibility for the consequences of decisions made, the need to resolve ethical dilemmas, daily interaction with patients require emotional stability and psychological balance from specialists. At the same time, the working conditions themselves often lead to deterioration of psychological well-being indicators. Among a number of negative factors, a special role is given to stress, which often occurs in the everyday professional life of medical workers. On this basis, it was assumed that certain methods of overcoming them can have different effects on the level of emotional comfort and life satisfaction. Therefore, the purpose of the article was to determine the relationship between manifestations of coping behavior and indicators of psychological well-being of doctors. The research was conducted on a sample of 32 people using the following methods: 1) "Psychological well-being scale" by K. Riff; 2) " Ways of coping questionnaire" by R. Lazarus and S. Folkman. According to the results of the correlation analysis, it was found that the most significant in relation to indicators of psychological well-being are strategies for overcoming stress, such as seeking social support and planning a solution to the problem. Their application enables a person to attract external resources when faced with stress factors, to receive the necessary emotional and informational help in difficult situations, to systematically build strategies for overcoming difficulties, taking into account objective conditions and available resources. On the contrary, physicians' use of such coping strategies as escape-avoidance, self-control and acceptance of responsibility is accompanied by a decrease in indicators of psychological well-being. Given the fact that among the strategies that formed significant correlations with psychological well-being, there are both emotional-oriented and problem-oriented, it is clear that the decisive factor is not so much the belonging of the coping method to a certain type of coping, but the specificity of each individual coping strategy.
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