
  • Vadym Bovsunovskyi Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University



self-efficacy, competence, motivation, educational environment, psychological well-being, stress, professional burnout, adaptation


The article examines the central role of the self-efficacy construct and its impact on human behavior in various spheres of life. It is noted that self-efficacy is a person’s belief in their ability to influence the challenges of the surrounding environment with their own actions. High expectations of effectiveness contribute to the process of adaptation in complex life situations. The mentioned phenomenon has high resource value, and its power exceeds the influence of social factors of the surrounding environment. Highly effective people perceive difficulties as challenges, explaining failures by an insufficient amount of their own efforts. In contrast, individuals with a low level of self-efficacy tend to anxiety, prediction of failures, and self-blame. A high level of self-efficacy affects motivation, thinking, perception of eustress and distress, the choice of effective coping strategies in overcoming difficulties. The level of self-efficacy can change under the influence of the surrounding environment, especially in young people. Self-efficacy is a predictor of professional burnout and a preventive measure in the choice of dependent behavior. Various research directions have been analyzed, which indicate a significant scientific interest in this self-construct and its high theoretical value. Mediated mechanisms that influence the perception of self-efficacy have been identified: personal achievements, vicarious experience, numerous failures, lack of feedback, verbal persuasion, unfavorable style of attribution of successes and failures, upbringing, the physiological state of a person. The role of self-efficacy in sharp stress transitions (forced migration, unemployment), the choice of health behavior, changes in dependent behavior, career choice, and professional development has been analyzed.


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