
  • Andriy Sardak Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University



national identity, nation, hybrid war, values, meanings, culture, informational and psychological operations


The article explores the phenomenon of national identity, defining its main characteristics and principles of formation, and discussing possible formation options in modern socio-cultural conditions. As a socialpsychological phenomenon, national identity shapes a particular type of individual consciousness that enables orientation in conditions of mass behavior. The paper conducts a theoretical analysis of the problem of forming national identity in the context of information warfare, emphasizing its importance for ensuring the defense capability of the state. It is determined that in the conditions of information warfare, important elements of national identity include shared cultural elements. Special significance is attributed to such components as common geographic and domestic representation, language, and shared historical memory. In the context of information warfare, Ukrainians’ perceptions of events from historical antiquity are subjected to particular manipulation. The main problem for Ukraine in the face of Russian military intervention is the destruction of national identification at the level of mass culture, its devaluation against the backdrop of other cultures, and the formation of national inferiority. According to our conceptual understanding, national identity is a complex social phenomenon that develops over a long period, undergoing a complex process of maturation in the education system and mass culture. National identity cannot be formed in the short term; it is a comprehensive characteristic of individuals who have undergone a process of socialization in the context of national culture. The issue of forming national identity in times of war should be considered at the state level as one of the elements of national security. The state should mobilize various means and resources, especially in the field of non-material production, to create conditions for the dissemination of national culture among Ukrainian nationals both within and beyond Ukraine’s borders.


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