
  • Liudmyla Muzychko Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economics Universitу



stress, resilience, post-traumatic growth, personality


In recent years, the psychological phenomenon of resilience has been heavily studied. While science is still far from presenting a complete theory of this phenomenon, however, we already can discuss directions of this scientific search: its causes (drivers caused by stress), the effects of manifestation (adjustment and positive adaptation; ability to build a prosperous life in difficult circumstances), nature (static resilience (a personality trait) or dynamic resilience (a certain process)), a trajectory of resilience (stability of mental functioning in a stressful situation; quick return to one's own norm after a destructive impact; acquisition of qualitatively new personal traits and subsequent successful functioning after getting out of stress) etc. In particular, there was a need to tease apart the concept of resilience with concepts that describe similar or related phenomena. In this context, intersection of the resilience phenomena and post-traumatic growth is often discussed. Currently, Ukrainian scientists have objective social conditions for extensive research in this direction. There is also a keen interest of psychological practice in the results of such studies for the creation of psychological assistance programs for persons suffering from the stress of war. Prolonged stress in the conditions of war threatens exhaustion, disorders, psychosomatic disorders if left unattended, but at the same time it is a factor of post-traumatic growth, disclosure of personal potential to the fullest extent. Prevention of the destructive impact of long-term stress on psychosomatic well-being is the essence of modern psychological care. So far, there are not enough empirical studies to make theoretical generalizations that will serve as commonly accepted guidelines for distinguishing these psychological phenomena.


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