
  • Anna Marchuk Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University




informational uncertainty, tolerance to uncertainty, semantic reconstruction, age characteristics, logical semantic connection, semantic gaps


Uncertainty as a fundamental feature of the modern world requires the formation of effective logical and semantic connections based on reliable processing of received information. This strategy will contribute to adaptation and tolerance to variability and informational uncertainty, the use of adequate methods of responding to the situation and adaptation to changes. Analyzing the received information in conditions of uncertainty, there is a risk of cognitive distortions of information in conditions of its inaccuracy, deficit, distortion and gaps. The phenomenon of intolerance to uncertainty may also occur and it may manifest itself in a certain frustration and cognitive stupor or, on the contrary, in tolerance to uncertainty due to the stimulation of non-standardization and creativity. The study of logical-semantic connections in semantic gaps was carried out with the help of the “Methodology of textual gaps”. The subjects (n=104) showed a stronger logical-semantic connection in the conditions of the semantic plateau with previous and subsequent sentences. This indicates the emergence of stronger adaptive and creative capabilities in conditions of lower information uncertainty and the importance of previous and subsequent information. The inherent potential of logic confirms the conditions of the semantic plateau by the prevailing logical type of connection with both sentences. The connection between sentences in the situation of semantic gaps is revealed to a lesser extent. Semantic gaps, which have a higher level of informational uncertainty, are characterized by a stronger logical-semantic connection with the previous sentences, and for young people it’s characterized by manifestation of non-standard thinking due to the use of effusive and logical types of connection. Instead, the inability to bridge the semantic gap in connection with the next sentence is manifested which indicates the greater importance of previous information in situations of uncertainty.


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