
  • Olena Voitenko State University of Trade and Economics
  • Oksana Zazymko Laboratory of Cognitive Psychology G.S. Kostiyk Institute of Psychology of the NAЕS of Ukraine



professional well-being, personality, life competence, socio-demographic factors, academic staff


The interest of researchers in the problem of professional well-being of the individual is constantly growing in connection with changes in the organizational environment and the labor market, as well as with the growing influence of psychological factors on the health and work efficiency of employees. The study of factors affecting professional well-being makes it possible to develop strategies and methods for increasing its level among employees. Our research is focused on the influence of socio-demographic factors on professional well-being, considering that the nature of the relationship between these variables remains an open question, which today is the subject of many theories and a limited number of empirical studies and needs to be clarified. 132 randomly selected academic staff working in one higher education institution took part in the study. All age categories of academic workers, as well as academic positions, are sufficiently represented in the studied sample, which indicates the representativeness of the studied sample. According to the purpose of this study, a cross-sectional method using the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) by Paul Spector was applied. Statistical data processing included correlation analysis, variance analysis. According to the results of the correlation analysis, it was established that the professional wellbeing of academic employees of higher education institutions does not have a linear relationship with their social experience and academic position. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) did not reveal differences by age and position in the experience of professional well-being by academic employees. Thus, age differences and the position held cannot be considered as direct determinants of the professional well-being of employees.


Актуальні проблеми психології : Збірник наукових праць Інституту психології імені Г.С. Костюка НАПН України. Т. ІІ: Психологічна герменевтика. 2023. Вип. 14. 78 с. URL:

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