
  • Andrii Trotsenko




test, development, psychometrics, behaviour, scale, sample, correlation coefficient, validity, personality, level of statistical significance, standard deviation, criterion


The purpose of the article is to highlight the fundamental principles of developing personality tests. The material acknowledges that Soviet policy did not contribute to the development of psychometrics in Ukraine. As a result, a deficiency of valid and reliable methodologies can be observed. The foreign tests were borrowed without undergoing the process of standardization. Modern research and the development of psychology are impossible without applying objective instruments. Due to this, the author reviewed the key stages of test development. It is important to highlight the necessity of a clear distinguishing of the studied phenomenon and a detailed research of it from all possible sources. Only after this, the development of the very statements can be started. An example of the grid-form tables is provided to facilitate the formulation of questions for the test. The fundamental rules of this process are outlined. It is indicated that it is necessary to formulate clear and straightforward statements that measure specific behavior rather than feelings. They shouldn't contain double negatives. The quality of statements determines the validity of the test. After their development, a pilot study is conducted. The obtained results allow to determine the effectiveness index for each statement and to eliminate the unnecessary ones. A minimum sample size of 85 respondents is suggested to determine correlations if the level of statistical significance is not greater than 0.05. The article presents the main types of validity and methods for establishing them. A valid test measures what it is designed to measure. It’s one of the criteria for the methodology's quality. An example of calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient between the scales of two different methods is also demonstrated. It is usually recommended to achieve multiple types of validity, with their selection depending on the research's possibilities and goals.


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