
  • Oksana Lavryniuk
  • Olena Kilnitska
  • Viktor Kyrychenko



business communication, motivation, professional activity, students of higher education


Motivation is one of the driving forces of human behavior. It promotes healthy competition and the development of social ties. During the long period of the development of psychology, scientists proposed various theories to find an explanation for the motivation of human behavior. Despite the obvious need to study this issue, empirical studies of motivation have been divided into different areas for a long time, which made it difficult to establish an integrative view of motivation. The theories of motivation proposed in educational psychology are unrelated to the motivational theories studied in social psychology or in organizational psychology. The system of motives of future managers determines their motivational orientation in the field of business communication, which determines the ideal method for interpersonal interaction with communication partners. The first motivational and value component of business communication is the culture of future managers.Business communication is a system of motives and values that guide the future specialist during business communication and mediates his perception and assessment of various professional situations, determining the choice of communication methods with partners. The article analyzes the motivational structure of the personality of students of full-time and extramural forms of education. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that the most pronounced type of values among education seekers is support for life support and social status. In the conditions of an educational institution, the motivation to master a profession is not sufficiently expressed, usually due to an ill-conceived choice of profession, misunderstanding at the initial stage of the nature of educational disciplines. In this case, it is possible to correct this situation in the course of training due to the optimization of the educational process, the introduction of innovative teaching methods, the improvement of the forms and methods of career guidance, which is conducted among school graduates and applicants, as well as the demonstration of the applied significance of the chosen specialty.


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