
  • Hanna Pyroh
  • Anastasia Lebedynska




russian occupation, Chornobyl exclusion zone, residents of the exclusion zone, experience, emotional states, coping behavior, coping


The article is devoted to the study of the psychological consequences of the russian occupation for the residents of the Chornobyl exclusion zone, which Russian troops have occupied since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The purpose of the research is to study the emotional, semantic, and behavioral components of the experience of the russian occupation by the residents of the Chernobyl zone. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the study were the psychology of experience (V. Frankl, F. Vasyliuk, etc.), researches of psychological consequences of war (K. Miller, A. Rasmussen, T. Tytarenko, etc.) and the consequences of the russian occupation in Ukraine (A. Pobidash, H.Shchygelska, etc.). The empirical study combines nomothetic and ideographic approaches using the following methods: informal conversation; associative experiment on the word-stimulus «occupation»; and R. Lazarus' questionnaire of coping behavior. The psychosemantic analysis of the respondents' associations showed that the residents of the exclusion zone associate the occupation mainly with their own emotions (fear and hatred prevail among them), with military attributes, and personalize it through the images of the Russian military. The results of the study of coping behavior revealed that most of the respondents overcome stressful events in their lives through self-control, seeking social support, avoidance, and positive reassessment, i.e. passive and social strategies. A smaller proportion of the respondents overcame difficulties by taking responsibility and planning to solve problems, and they resisted the occupiers during the occupation. Prospects for further research are seen in the development and testing of a psychological support program for residents of the exclusion zone.


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