


soil moisture, winter wheat, soil, moisture availability, productive moisture


The results of observations of the moisture availability of winter wheat crops in the period from 2016 to 2021 in the Forest-Steppe zone are presented. A detailed analysis shows the variability of moisture supply throughout the year and the impact of abnormal weather conditions on crop development. In the course of research during 2016-2021, significant fluctuations in the moisture availability of winter wheat crops were revealed, noting its different stages of vegetation. Observations indicate the importance of regular monitoring of soil moisture for crop forecasting and development of land use management strategies. In particular, the importance of taking into account weather aspects and optimizing land use to achieve a sustainable and high yield of winter wheat is noted. The impact of weather conditions on moisture availability and crop development is analyzed in detail. In particular, the importance of mild winters is emphasized, which contributes to sustainable crop growth. Abnormal weather, such as drought and excessive precipitation, which can affect yields, is also taken into account. Our research emphasizes the importance of systematic measurement of moisture availability for effective crop forecasting and development of land use management strategies in a changing climate. The obtained data can be useful for agricultural enterprises and organizations seeking to optimize the processes of winter wheat cultivation and increase the crop’s resistance to extreme weather conditions. It is proved that it is necessary to take into account the high dependence of winter wheat moisture availability on natural factors. Managing the soil water regime and using optimal agronomic strategies contributes to the stability of crop cultivation in the face of climate change.


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