



floristic diversity, kaolin deposits, restoration vegetation.


We describe the results of the study of the flora of regenerated and transformed vegetation on the territory of the Zahidno-Glynske section of the Dubrivske deposit of primary kaolin. The authors determined the species composition of higher vascular plants and mosses in the studied area. They made a brief analysis of the ecological features of the distribution of individual species or their systematic groups. They also made a short analysis of the ecological features of the distribution of individual species or their systematic groups. In particular, we established a connection between the features of the ecosystem structure and the ratios of representatives of different plant families, and also constructed a syntaxonomic scheme of plant groups based on the principles of the Brown- Blanke ecological and floristic school. During the research, we discovered 151 representatives of the flora. Among them are 143 species of higher vascular plants from 33 families and 9 species of mosses from 7 families. The most numerous are the families Poaceae (24 species), Asteraceae (21 species), Rosaceae (14 species), and Fabaceae (10 species). The vegetation of the studied area belongs to 13 classes, 19 orders, 35 unions, and 40 associations. There is an active restructuring of settlements with constant reformatting of the econiche packaging during the process of natural restoration of the vegetation cover with the help of primary autogenous successions. Empty econiches are formed here. They can potentially be inhabited, both by rare representatives of biota and habitats and by dangerous synanthropic species. For example, these habitats become vulnerable to the introduction of invasive species of transformers, which threaten rare biota components, ecosystem stability processes, agriculture, and human health. In this regard, territories, where active mineral extraction is carried out or restored after its termination, should be under constant monitoring regarding floristic and phytocenotic diversity. No species included in the IUCN Red List, the European Red List, annexes, and resolutions to the Berne Convention, Red Book of Ukraine, and to the list of regionally rare species were found on the territory. The invasive species-transformer Solidago canadensis was located on the territory. It is in the early stages of penetration and transformation of habitats of renewable natural vegetation.


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