



pediatric population, acute respiratory viral infections, pulse, blood pressure, systolic blood volume, minute blood volume, cardiovascular system, anthropometry.


Influenza and acute respiratory viral infections are one of the urgent problems of medical and biological science, which is due to the high level of morbidity among the adult population, as well as the high level of morbidity and remote complications among young children. Almost every child suffers episodes of acute viral respiratory infections or flu more than once a year. Although the virus primarily affects the lungs, and the clinical manifestations of the disease are dominated by respiratory symptoms, it significantly affects the risk of development and the clinical course of heart and blood vessel disease, which are components of the cardiorespiratory system of the human body. The purpose of the study is to investigate the features of the cardiovascular system of junior high school students who fell ill with acute viral respiratory infections. The functional state of the cardiovascular system was characterized by the following indicators: heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse pressure, systolic blood volume, minute blood volume. Anthropometric indicators were studied according to generally accepted methods. The research was conducted in a group of junior high school students (7-10 years old), a total of 140 people, boys and girls. All study participants were divided into two groups. The first group, children who got sick with ARVI (70 individuals), and the group who did not get sick (70 individuals). The consent of the children’s parents was obtained for the study. Indicators of central hemodynamics in younger schoolchildren who fell ill with acute viral respiratory infections had significant changes, namely an increase in heart rate, systolic and diastolic pressure, minute blood volume, which indicates the functional load of the cardiovascular system. The obtained results indicate that functional and adaptive exhaustion is noted in children who have contracted acute viral respiratory infections. Anthropometric characteristics did not undergo significant changes under the influence of the pathophysiological process caused by ARVI.


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