


environmental safety, oil, diffusion, migration, mathematical model


The Stryi River, the largest Carpathian tributary of the Dniester River, through which 5 oil pipelines and 1 product pipeline run, is subject to significant anthropogenic impacts. This leads to an increase in environmental risk and an increase in the likelihood of accidents in the event of a release of pollutants, including hydrocarbons. The main objective of the study is to predict the migration parameters of hydrocarbon pollutants, using oil from the Carpathian oil and gas region as an example. To achieve this goal, we used theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison), field (profile and morphological) and experimental (observation, gravimetric) research methods. Using a mathematical model that takes into account the influence of bottom sediments, a comprehensive study of oil migration due to its constant release into a mountain river was conducted. The migration model includes two equations that accurately describe the movement of pollutants in the river system, taking into account factors such as flow velocity, diffusion, sorption, and desorption by river sediments. Using laboratory experiments, the distribution parameters that determine the behavior of oil in the water-sediment system were determined. Using advanced computer modeling, detailed spatial and temporal profiles of oil concentration in both water and sediments were created. Consistent patterns in changes in the concentration of oil hydrocarbons were established, which are closely related to the specific composition of the river bottom sediments. In particular, it was found that at 30 minutes after the start of continuous inflow, the maximum content of oil hydrocarbons is 0.84 g/dm3. At the mouth of the Stryi River, the maximum oil hydrocarbon content at 30 minutes is 0.72 g/dm3. In addition, it was determined that the rate of spreading of hydrocarbon pollutants through the river system is less than the average flow rate, which confirms the influence of bottom sediments on the migration parameters of these pollutants and the importance of taking them into account when predicting in emergency situations. The found parameters of migration of hydrocarbon pollutants can be extrapolated to various other river systems in mountainous regions.


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