


Chernihiv Polissya, regional landscape park “Yalivshchyna”, pine plantations, Ips acuminatus, Ips sexdentatus, pheromone monitoring


Forest ecosystems of nature reserve objects within urban territories are insufficiently studied in modern nature conservation science and require further research. The basics of planting urban green zones are the most important and effective means of forming a microclimate, and also act as an ecologically stabilizing factor of the territorial environment. Mass reproduction and spread over large areas of trunk pests on Pinus sylvestris L. trees under the influence of a complex of environmental factors is one of the significant factors that destroy the structure of forest ecosystems and contribute to their further destruction and change in the species composition of stands. We have established that pests of the Ipidae family play a leading role in the entire base of pine plantations within Chernihiv Polissya, namely in the territory of the regional landscape park «Yalivshchyna» (hereinafter - the park). They inhabit weakened trees as a result of natural and climatic changes and strong anthropogenic stress. Within the park, Pinus sylvestris trees grow in significantly changed, heavily anthropogenic forest vegetation conditions, which disrupts the analysis of the complex of site growth characteristics and the actual state of the vegetation as a whole. During the survey, we identified areas in the park that were damaged by Ips acuminatus, I. sexdentatus, which caused the gradual degradation of pine plantations and the formation of dryness. On the basis of our own monitoring studies and analysis, the results of the practical application of complex technological, biotechnical and nature protection measures to combat stem pests based on plantations in nature-protected areas within urban systems are shown for the first time. We have proven that for ecological sustainability as the basis of the grouping of the territory of Chernihiv Polissya, in particular, the park «Yalivshchyna» (Chernihiv) and to reduce the negative impact of xylophagous insects, it is necessary to design and use preventive and biological methods of combating stem pests.


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