pollutant discharges, water treatment, environmental regulation, water dischargeAbstract
The paper is devoted to the study of the impact of the acidification technology by stabilisation treatment (ST) with sulphuric acid (H2SO4) of cooling water of the water circulation system (WCS) on the discharge of sulphate ions (SO4 2-) with return water and the impact of water discharge on surface waters. The subject of the study is SO4 2- content in the surface water of the Styr River and the process water of the Rivne NPP (RNPP), the subject of the study is the ST with use H2SO4 for WCS and its impact on the SO4 2- discharge with the return water of the RNPP. The aim of the study is to investigate the ST technology of the RNPP using H2SO4 and to determine the SO4 2- contamination of the surface water of the Styr River caused by the ST used at the RNPP and to determine the influence of a nuclear power plant (NPP) operation modes on the minimisation of SO4 2- sources. The relevance of the work is due to the need to implement measures to protect water resources from pollution and their rational use in water treatment technologies of NPPs WCS. Minimising the environmental impact by reducing the use of reagents for the ST, which is considered in the study, is important in view of the sustainable development of the energy sector. The paper presents the results of research and analysis of H2SO4 dosing to ensure the water chemical regime (WCR), the ST with H2SO4 regime allows to neutralisе the alkalinity of the cooling water of the cooling plant due to the content of bicarbonate (HCO3 -) and carbonate (CO3 2-) ions and to convert part of the calcium ions bound to HCO3 - and CO3 2- ions to constant hardness. The use of H2SO4 for ST may be appropriate for water treatment to reduce scale in the cooling water system, according to the criteria for acidification of makeup cooling water, which is determined by the dosing criterion. The practical significance of the work is the introduction of the technological regime of cooling water treatment at RNPP to ensure the maintenance of optimal quality indicators of cooling water treatment, reduction of H2SO4 consumption and minimisation of SO4 2- discharges into the water body – the Styr River. In general, the results of the study indicate that the ST WCS RNPP has no environmental impact on the Styr River water body. The study can be applied to any power plant that with WCS uses the technology of acidification of the ST using H2SO4.
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