


chlamydospores, conidia, intensity of sporulation, grain crops, mushroom strain


In the process interaction the fungi populations with varieties in agrophytocenoses, they are faced with a choice between K, r and L life strategies that change during the growing season under the influence of biotic and abiotic factors. Evaluation of the ratio the reproductive and generative phases the micromycete F. oxysporum is important in current research, which will help to determine the behavior of the micromycete during the growing season in crops. The aim of the study was to study changes in the life strategies the micromycete F. oxysporum by different technologies cultivation of winter wheat. The objects of research were the roots of winter wheat of different varieties, grown by different technologies, selected in different research farms of the Left Bank of Ukraine. It was found that the mixed technology of cultivation in the early stages of ontogenesis the winter wheat showed an increase in the number chlamydospores, and in the end significantly increased the number conidia, which amounted to 2,29 million units to ml. This is characteristic the K-strategy, which turns into an r-strategy. According to the traditional technology cultivation, was observed a significant increase the number of conidia in all phases of ontogenesis, which was almost 10 times higher than the number chlamydospores on the roots of both varieties winter wheat. This is characteristic of r-strategists, which under the influence of adverse factors are able to rapidly reproduce and spread in agrocenoses. According to the organic technology of cultivation without the introduction preparation, was observed a significant increase the chlamydospores, where most of them were in the phase of reaching winter wheat, which averaged 3,91 million units to ml, while the number of conidia was 0,35 million units to ml, which is characteristic L-strategists. According to the organic technology of cultivation from the introduction of biological preparations in crops winter wheat, was observed a significant increase the chlamydospores during the growing season, which was from 1,02 to 1,41 million units to ml, while sporeformation conidia was less and ranged from 0,73 to 0,98 million units to ml. It should be noted that this technology was observe the smallest number of infectious structures during ontogeny plant. It is characteristic of K-trategists that when the resistance of the medium increases, it is not an increase in the rate of reproduction, but a decrease in the rate of extinction, which ensures the existence of the strain. Therefore, in the process of selection the varieties plant for resistance to phytopathogenic fungi, it is advisable to evaluate cultivated varieties plant in impact on sporeformation and life strategies the micromycetes, which will create sustainable ecosystems in agrophytocenoses.


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