


food security, military soil pollution, heavy metals


The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of soil contamination with Pb2+ ions on the sowing quality of winter wheat seeds of the “Yuvileyna” variety. Following the goal, the following tasks were solved: soil extracts and solutions were obtained in accordance with the predicted level of pollution and standards of maximum permissible concentrations; as a result of the experiment, the influence of different concentrations of Pb2+ on the germination of wheat seeds was established; the influence of military contamination of the soil with lead salts on the cultivation of the investigated wheat variety was simulated. During the experiment, the level of soil contamination at the place of rupture of the explosive devices (Malyn village) determined by the regulatory documents of the MPC was taken into account. It was established that the studied concentrations of Pb2+ ions do not have a critical toxic effect on the processes of germination of wheat seeds of the “Yuvileyna” variety. The seeds of this wheat variety respond to an increase in the concentration of Pb2+ with typical changes affecting only certain physiological functions that accompany its germination. The dynamics of the change in the length of the primary root is described by a mathematical model that is close to the Gaussian curve and corresponds to the law of the optimum. The ecological optimum at the stage of the beginning of seed germination is observed at a concentration of Pb2+ ions of 7.2 mg/l. In the optimum zone, the average length of the primary root reaches 6.1 mm, the minimum is 3.1 mm, and the maximum is 10 mm. The dynamics of the length of the primary sprout does not show any logical pattern. Generally accepted MPCs do not correspond to the right pessimum for seeds and the first young sprouts of winter wheat. This can be explained by the fact that the maximum permissible concentrations determined by the legislation were calculated from the point of view of safety for the health of the consumer and do not take into account the impact on organisms of substances contained in food products. The obtained results are the beginning of a wide range of further research on the effect of higher concentrations of Pb2+ ions on the physiological processes of plant organisms, and the intensity of growth and development of various agricultural crops at different stages of their ontogenesis.


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