



climate change, agrotechnical and economic factors, productivity of agricultural crops, canonical analysis, Chernihiv region


Climate change is a significant factor affecting the productivity of agricultural crops. Objective assessment of this impact is a difficult task; it is important for food security and effective use of the region’s agricultural potential. This has prompted a study to identify the actual influence of climatic trends on the productivity of agricultural crops in Chernihiv region. The study was based on indicators of yield dynamics of five agricultural crops, two climatic and five agrotechnical and economic indicators of Chernihiv region over 2001–2020. This period was characterized by significant changes in climatic characteristics, and its duration is sufficient for objective scientific analysis. The influence of the climatic factor on the variation in crops productivity was evaluated using canonical analysis. Its results indicate that the contribution of the climatic factor to the fluctuation of the yield of the main agricultural crops of Chernihiv region is 30%. Among the climatic characteristics, the thermal regime had a greater impact on yield, especially during 2011–2020. It turned out that almost 70% of the variation in yields of five agricultural crops in the region is determined by agrotechnical and economic factors. This indicates that the contribution of climatic factors may be overestimated when the role of other factors is ignored. At the same time, the obtained results do not refute the established statement about the growing influence of climate trends on the productivity of agricultural crops. In Chernihiv region, this has manifested in the spatial expansion of a number of liquid agricultural crops to the north of the region and in a significant increase in the gross harvest of these crops. The climate change in 2001–2020 has strengthened the natural competitive advantages of Chernihiv region in the market of agricultural producers. The assessment of the climatic factors impact on the crop yields in the region, first conducted using canonical analysis, may become basis to revise the agricultural system for a more effective utilization of the agrarian potential of Chernihiv region.


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