growth stimulants, Buxus sempervirens L., heteroauxin, LED-laser, laser irradiationAbstract
To create landscape compositions of various objects, Buxus sempervirens L. is widely used, as this species lends itself well to shearing, is shade-tolerant and frost-resistant. The most effective and common method of reproduction of Buxus sempervirens L. is vegetative. It is important to study the biological features of the vegetative propagation of the studied species, including the use of phytohormones and LED-laser irradiation, which provides an opportunity to obtain high-quality and stable planting material. The use of laser irradiation is a more ecologically safe and economically beneficial method of growth stimulation, in contrast to the use of phytohormones. The article presents the results of the effect of growth stimulants and laser irradiation on the growth processes and rooting of Buxus sempervirens L. cuttings. The purpose of the work was to experimentally test and compare the effects of growth stimulants and laser irradiation on Buxus sempervirens L. cuttings. The positive effect of cuttings rooting as a result of laser irradiation and growth stimulants, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of the use of phytohormonal preparations and LED laser irradiation. During the experiment, the influence of growth stimulants on the rooting of Buxus sempervirens L. cuttings was determined. Thus, the cuttings treated with «Heteroauxin» had a high degree of rooting, a uniformly developed and branched root system. Root formation was not observed on cuttings that were not treated with growth stimulants. According to the results of irradiation of cuttings, a positive effect was observed during complex irradiation with red and blue lasers with the longest duration of irradiation. Complex irradiation with a shorter duration or irradiation with a single laser system gave an average rate of root formation. That is, irradiation with LED-lasers and treatment with growth stimulants of Buxus sempervirens L. cuttings before planting in the soil has a positive effect on their rooting. Therefore, it is recommended to use the obtained data of the research work to obtain high-quality planting material of Buxus sempervirens L. with further use in decorative horticulture.
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