



nature reserve fund of Ukraine, military aggression, destruction of protected background, land resources, biosphere, man-made pollution, damage to natural landscapes


The article is a comprehensive study aimed at the study and assessment of the impact of military aggression on nature reserves of Ukraine. The Ukrainian-Russian conflict led not only to human casualties and the destruction of cities and villages, but also to unprecedented consequences for the country’s natural reserves. This especially applies to the objects of the nature reserve fund, which are important for the preservation of the unique natural heritage of Ukraine. Territories that used to serve as sanctuaries for various species of plants and animals have now become the site of military operations. Destroyed forests, polluted reservoirs, changed migration routes of animals – these are just some of the many consequences of war for nature. However, the war also showed how important the role of the scientific community is in the analysis and restoration of natural resources. Researchers and ecologists tried to determine the extent of the damage, as well as to develop strategies for their further restoration. The purpose of the article is to study the impact of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict on the ecological state and functioning of nature conservation areas of Ukraine. The main attention is paid to the identification of key problem areas and the formulation of recommendations for their restoration and further activities in order to ensure ecological balance. Exploratory analysis was used to collect and generalize data on the ecological state of nature-reserved objects before and after military actions. The main emphasis will be on the study of areas, biological diversity, stability of ecosystems, as well as the number and variety of flora and fauna. A geo-information approach was used to assess modern geo-information systems for detailed visual analysis and demonstration of the dynamics of changes in nature reserves during the conflict. Conducted Ecological monitoring, as a process of systematic monitoring and analysis of changes in natural ecosystems, in particular, paying attention to biological diversity and the quality of ecosystem services provided by these territories. It has been proven that the preservation and restoration of the objects of the nature reserve fund is not only a matter of environmental security, but also of the country’s national security. Nature reserves can become symbols of recovery, peace and coexistence of man and nature after years of conflict.


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