



forest fund, creditworthiness, completeness, age groups, diseases, fires, satisfactory ecological condition


Forests occupy a significant place in the 2030 Agenda and are objects of sustainable development. Assessing the state of forest ecosystems is important for monitoring progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, determining countries’ contributions to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the Global Forest Goals and the 6 Goals of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2017–2030. The purpose of the research was to assess the ecological state of the forest ecosystems of the Subsidiary enterprise “Korostyshiv Forest Farm of Agriculture” according to indicators of the state and dynamics of the forest fund. The information base of the researches became the metirails of the Subsidiary enterprise “Korostyshiv Forest Farm of Agriculture” of the Zhytomyr Regional Communal Agroforestry Enterprise “Zhytomyroblagrolis”. The research results can be used in the design of the next forest management and planning of enterprise development strategies. It was established that the predominant species of trees are pine (5 306,8 ha) and common oak (2 436,5 ha) – 33,8 and 15,5%, respectively; average class of bonity – 1,53, dominant totality – 0,5 – 4 814,6 ha (30,7%) and 0,6–4 965,8 ha (31,7%); young, middle-aged, ripe, ripe and overwintering trees occupy 20,8, 64,5, 8,1, and 6,6% of the area of the forest farm, and the uneven distribution of the area of tree species by age groups caused differences between the existing distribution and the optimal one; among forest types, B2DS (5 054,9 ha) is dominant. The most widespread forest diseases are root (2 014,7 ha) and pine (25,5 ha) fungi. During the audit period, there were 40 fires on an area of 27,5 hectares, the average fire hazard class of the territory – 2,8 (1’st class lands have an area of 2 624,9 hectares, 2’nd – 4 775,1 ha, 3’rd – 4 750,2 ha, 4’th – 5 098,7 ha, 5–705,8 ha). The condition and dynamics of the forest fund make it possible to assess the ecological condition of forests as satisfactory in general. Among the positive aspects of forestry management are: 1) compliance with the forest management project; 2) improvement of the structure of the forest and exploitation fund: the total stock per 1 ha of forest plots covered with forest vegetation increased by 28 m3, or 16%‚ the stock of mature plantations – by 37 m3, or 25‚3%‚ the area of mature and mature plantations increased; 3) timely carrying out of reforestation measures at log cabins, creation of forest crops of economically valuable tree species on an area of 1 303,5 ha, of which 77,5% are of 1’st and 2’nd quality class, absence of unsatisfactory forest crops; 4) no loss of wood during felling for main use; 5) absence of forest fires in the last three years of the audit period.


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