


stages of development of land resources, changes of soil cover, Northern Black Sea region.


The article dwells upon the economic development of the territory of the Northern Black Sea Coast, which in various ways affected the state and transformation of its soil cover. An overview of historical sources, which outlines the forms of public order, which determined the possibilities and necessity of using land resources. The relevance of the purposeful analysis of archaeological and historical periodization in the economic development of the studied territory was substantiated, comments on the actual material on the probability of certain impacts on the quality of soil cover were presented, the stages during which the state of the soil was influenced by certain factors of natural and anthropogenic origin, the author's assessment of the existing at that time, problems regarding changes in the extent of spread of cultivated land and changes in their quality. The conclusions determine the need to focus the concentration of research efforts on the establishment of correlations and the emergence of patterns of soil formation in the geomorphological environment, its transformation as a result of population growth, the diversity of economic use, and powerful melioration measures. The variety of tectonic patterns in the orographic and river network, the variability of stratigraphic and lithological complexes of soil forming species, significant differences in the geomorphological structure, complex combinations of significant areas of distribution of "background" genetic types of soils and local areas of the spread of colorful soil cover, as well as historically determined sequences of settlement of the region make up the range of analysis of the history of land use. The given historical excursion points to the need to focus research efforts on establishing relationships and deriving regularities of soil cover formation in the geomorphological environment, its transformation as a result of population growth, a variety of economic uses, and powerful reclamation measures. This region of modern Ukraine, in our opinion, can be interpreted as a key one for the entire Black Sea region, as it encompasses the set of tectonic, lithological and geomorphological features of the environment, other components of the environment, characteristic of the entire region, including the variety of tectonic regularities in the orography and river network, reliable and probable tectonic disturbances and areas of ascending and descending tectonic movements of weak activity, variegation of stratigraphic and lithological complexes with increased and decreased foundation of the inclined undulating and horizontal flat plain on Neogene deposits, significant differences in the geomorphological structure of individual territories of the Black Sea region, due to the presence of various morphological features, genetic types of relief, the time of formation of various geomorphological taxa and the intensity of modern geomorphological processes, significant areas of distribution of "background" genetic types of soils (mainly at the interfluves), and local areas of the distribution of variegated soil cover due to the significant role of the relief of the earth's surface, the historically determined sequence of settlement of the region and, accordingly, a different degree of economic activity, caused by a change in the nature of economic activity - from local around settlements and in the coastal zone, to regional, associated with the expansion of agricultural production and the development of irrigated agriculture. 


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