



ecosystems, natural dynamics, vectors, and rates of dynamics. anthropogenic transformation


The article is devoted to the search for approaches to forecasting the restoration of the natural vegetation of the territories affected by military operations. The scale of military operations on the territory of Ukraine is the cause of large areas of territory, the vegetation cover of which was noticeably disturbed. After the de-occupation of these territories, the issue of restoration of natural vegetation and reclamation became actuality. To date, we have not enough information about these types of post-military environmental impacts. This will cause a number of problems during the restoration of the vegetation cover. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the post-war restoration of nature, it is necessary to choose the most appropriate models. One of the approaches is the development of prognostic algorithms for vegetation restoration based on models of autogenic successions in the area where open-pit mining is conducted. The purpose of the study is to build prognostic algorithms for the restoration of post-military ecosystems based on models of vegetation dynamics in the area of sand quarries. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks were set: to determine the phytocenotic composition of vegetation on the territory of sand quarries; determine the main directions of the dynamics of vegetation development on the territory of sand quarries; to develop prognostic algorithms for the restoration of vegetation disturbed by military actions. The materials of the study are complete geobotanical descriptions made by generally accepted route-expedition, semi-stationary, and stationary methods in the period from 2004 to 2022. We established that the dynamics of vegetation restoration depends on the properties of the edaphotope and does not depend on the method of its destruction. The key characteristics of the edaphotope that affect the rate and vectors of dynamics are the size of its particles, the level of moisture, the number of elements of mineral nutrition, the neighborhood with certain types of phytocenoses, the presence of a waterproof layer, seed bank, anthropogenic pressure. Since the rates and vectors of vegetation recovery do not depend on the method of violation of its integrity, models of the dynamics of plant communities in the area of open-pit mining can be used to forecast the post-military recovery of wild nature.


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