



acute cerebrovascular accident, neuroprotective activity, disodium salt of 2-(pyridin-4-ylthio) succinic acid


The work is devoted to the study of the effect of the disodium salt of 2-(pyridin-4-ylthio)succinic acid on indicators of ischemic brain damage in Wistar rats. The effect of the compound was studied on the model of incomplete global ischemia of the brain. This model is the most adequate to the clinical manifestations of ischemic stroke. We determined the degree of neurological deficit according to the stroke-index scale of C.P. McGrow and conducted biochemical studies. The obtained results showed significant neuroprotective properties of the disodium salt of 2-(pyridin-4-ylthio)succinic acid in the conditions of experimental acute disruption of cerebral blood circulation. This was expressed in a decrease in the mortality of animals in the acute period of experimental pathology and a decrease in the number of animals with severe neurological symptoms in the acute period of cerebral circulation. stroke Disodium salt of 2-(pyridin-4-ylthio)succinic acid probably reduced the number of paresis, hemiparesis, and normalized research activities. The introduction of the disodium salt of 2-(pyridin-4-ylthio)succinic acid led to an increase in the synthesis of ATP, a decrease in AMP, and a decrease in neurotoxic products of oxidative modification of proteins – aldehyde- and ketonephenylhydrazones. An increase in the activity of the main antioxidant enzymes: superoxidedismutase, catalase and glutathioneperoxidase was observed when using the studied compound. Probably, one of the possible mechanisms of neuroprotective action is the ability of this compound to inhibit the oxidative modification of protein macromolecules of the brain and to reduce the degree of inhibition of the activity of antioxidant defense enzymes. Another possible mechanism is the ability of the disodium salt of 2-(pyridin-4-ylthio)succinic acid to activate bioenergetic processes and reduce ischemic damage to nerve tissue. In terms of its neuroprotective effect, the disodium salt of 2-(pyridin-4-ylthio)succinic acid is superior to the well-known drug «Mexidol». On the basis of the conducted research, the disodium salt of 2-(pyridin-4-ylthio)succinic acid can be recommended as a promising substance for the creation of new veterinary and medicinal products on its base.


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