fish ponds, zooplankton, qualitative composition, species diversity, saprobity indicator species, quantitative developmentAbstract
The article present monitoring studies on the qualitative composition and quantitative development of zooplankton in the fish ponds of the Lviv region. It was found that the zooplankton in the studied water bodies consisted of 61 taxa. The species composition was predominantly represented by rotifers with 27 species (or 44,3% of the total identified species), cladocerans with 22 species (or 36,0%) and 12 (or 19,7%) species of copepod crustaceans. Among cladocerans, 14 genera from 6 families were noted, copepods – 10 genera from 3 families, rotifers were represented by 15 genera from 11 families. Thus, the zooplankton mainly consists of the rotifer-cladoceran spectrum of species. The most diverse families between cladocerans were Daphniidae and Chydoridae, between copepods is Cyclopidae, and between rotifers is Branchionidae family. The cladoceran species, Diaphanosoma dubia Manuilova, 1964, was found in fishing ponds of “Korop” company, and an invasive species of copepod crustaceans – Sinodiaptomus sarsi (Rylov, 1923) was found in the ponds of Karpatsky Vodogray LLC and SE “DG LDS IRG NAAN”. Among the identified species of zooplankton in ponds from different farms, the number of saprobic indicator species ranged from 81,3 to 93,3%. The majority of saprobic indicator species in the zooplankton of different fish ponds were represented by β- (28,1–38,2%) and o-β-mesosaprobic species (26,5–35,7%), which is characteristic of water with a moderate level of organic pollution. The quantitative development of zooplankton in breeding pond was characterized by optimal 2,94 ± 0,98–6,88 ± 4,20 g/m3 (FG “Korop”, SE “DG LDS IRG NAAS”) and high 14,68 ± 7,09–38,61 ± 17,60 g/m3 (TzOV “Karpatsky Vodogray”) levels. In most breeding ponds, the valuable for fish larvae natural feeding cladoceran species were contributed into biomass from 44,3 to 91,8%. In the fattening ponds, the zooplankton development was low and the average seasonal biomass was up to 1,06 ± 0,65–3,84 ± 0,68 g/m3. This may be explained by active consumption of zooplankton by fishes. The production of zooplankton was from 222,6 to 7 722,0 kg/ha during the growing season in fish ponds that can ensure potentially the fish productivity from 16,0 to 552,0 kg/ha.
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