


rational nature use, constructive geography, anthropogenic landscape science, Central Europe, structure, garden and park landscape.


Structurality is one of the important peculiarities of landscapes of different genesis and levels of organization. The structure of the landscape determines its physiognomic organization, shape, spatial and structural features. Garden and park landscapes are examples of constructive territory planning, cultural or «soft» use of natural conditions and resources, organization of supplementary interaction between man and nature. Therefore, the study of the structure of garden and park landscapes of Central Europe is an actual scientific problem. The aim of the article: to research the structure of garden and park landscapes of Central Europe. Studies of the structure of garden and park landscapes of Central Europe have been based on the principle of natural-anthropogenic coexistence. General scientific and specific scientific research methods have been used, namely: on the basis of expeditionary methods maps of the landscape structure of garden and park landscapes of the study area have been constructed. Spatial structure models have been built in the Corel Draw program based on the digitized surface of the planet Earth in the Google Earth program, vertical profiles of the relief of garden and park landscapes have been done with the help of Google Earth Pro tools. Studies of the daily state of garden and park landscapes have been carried out according to the generally accepted method of performing microclimatic observations. The article presents maps of the landscape structure and spatial configurations of the following garden and park landscapes: Pechersky Park (Pechera village, Tulchynsky District, Vinnytsia Oblast, Ukraine), Sokilets Park (Sokilets Village, Vinnytsia District, Vinnytsia Oblast, Ukraine), park Arcadia (Nieborow, Lod Voivodeship, Poland). Vertical relief profiles have been constructed. The temporal structure of changes in the state of garden and park landscapes in the research area have been studied using the example of the garden and park landscape of the Sofiivka National Dendrological Park of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Uman, Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine).


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