



environment, ecology, human health, endemic diseases, morbidity dynamics


The article describes the dynamics and causes of endemic human diseases in Ukraine. According to the results of statistical data on the dynamics of indicators of anthropogenic and technogenic load on the surrounding natural environment, the ecological situation in Ukraine is a crisis. This leads to environmental pollution with substances dangerous to human health, deterioration of the Earth's ozone layer, and also contributes to the appearance of new chemical compounds and changes the quantitative composition of existing ones. Endemic diseases are those that are observed in people for a long time in a certain limited territory and are caused by natural and social conditions. The occurrence and risk of development of endemic diseases is determined by the action of environmental elements, anthropotechnogenic and social factors. The purpose of the study was to establish the dynamics and causes of endemic diseases in the population of Ukraine during 2017-2021. It was established that endemic caries, endemic fluorosis, endemic goiter, and water-nitrate methemoglobinemia were the most common endemic diseases of the population of Ukraine during the studied years. Among all identified endemic diseases, endemic caries was recorded most often among the population, methemoglobinemia was less common. The dynamics of occurrence of the above-mentioned endemic diseases among the population during 2017-2021 increased. The causes of the development of endemic caries are the insufficient content of fluorine in the consumed water (up to 0.5 mg/l), endemic fluorosis, on the contrary, the intake of fluorine in excessive amounts (over 1.5 mg/l). Endemic goiter develops due to a lack of iodine in consumed products and water, water-nitrate methemoglobinemia – due to an excess of nitrates over 50 mg/l. Endemic fluorosis, for the most part, is characteristic of the inhabitants of the mountainous regions of Ukraine and Poltava region, endemic goiter – for the Carpathian, Carpathian and Transnistrian-Danubian regions, endemic caries and water-nitrate methemoglobinemia – for all regions of Ukraine.


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