


urban water management complex, wastewater discharge, municipal wastewater treatment plants, river water quality, ways to reduce the impact of wastewater discharge on river water quality.


Studies of the impact of urban water management complexes on river water quality and their ecological status are necessary for the rational use of water resources, providing high-quality and safe water sources to the population, and counteracting man-made accidents and disasters. The purpose of this article is to clarify the factors, processes, and results of the negative impact of the Lutsk urboecosystem of on the water quality of the Styr River and to substantiate ways to reduce it. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to investigate the peculiarities of the natural conditions of the river basin, analyze the factors that shape the water quality of the Styr River, assess the impact of discharges of treated wastewater from the Lutsk municipal wastewater treatment plants on the water quality of the river, and substantiate ways to reduce its pollution and improve its hydroecological condition. The hydroecological assessment was conducted in accordance with the Methodology for Environmental Assessment of Surface Water Quality by Relevant Categories. Statistical processing was carried out using the following methods: descriptive statistics, regression analysis, correlation analysis, principal component analysis. The result of the study is to establish the scale and consequences of the impact of discharge of treated wastewater from the municipal wastewater treatment plants of Lutsk on the water quality of the Styr River. The novelty of this study is to calculate the correlation coefficient for the series of observations of the concentration of pollutants in the water of the Styr River at the point of wastewater discharge and above and below the discharge site, and to demonstrate the strong correlation. The practical significance of the study suggests the possibility of using its results to develop measures to reduce the negative impact of the city’s water management complex on river water quality.


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