


rare flora, rare species of plants, forest phytocenoses, Polissia, biodiversity, military aggression.


The article is devoted to the current problems of preservation of rare and endangered types of vegetation of Polissia. The main reasons for the disappearance of some plant species in this region are highlighted, as well as recommendations for their preservation. The authors consider the impact of ecological, economic and social factors on the rare flora of the Ukrainian Polissia and emphasize the importance of a comprehensive approach to the preservation of valuable vegetation. The study examines the main characteristics of the rare flora of the Ukrainian Polissia and its connection with military operations. The importance of preserving biodiversity in conditions of anthropogenic influence and military operations is emphasized. The need for cooperation between scientists, government structures and the public for the restoration and preservation of forest resources of the Ukrainian Polissia is emphasized. Scientific novelty: the study reveals how military actions affect rare plant species in the Ukrainian Polis, which is a novelty in the context of environmental sciences. An innovative approach to the creation and planning of ecological corridors for the preservation of the flora of Polissia, which takes into account the specificity of the forest phytocenoses of the region, is presented. Raising the issue of anthropogenic impact and military actions on biodiversity is an actual innovation in the context of modern ecological research. These aspects make the research unique and a contribution to the scientific field of ecology and forestry, particularly in the context of Ukrainian Polissia. Generalization and analysis of the accumulated experience of preservation of rare component flora at different levels of significance allow for some generalization and selection of methodical approaches for selection of priority objects, criteria, modes of their protection in accordance with the requirements of the ecological network. This article presents some results that reflect the experience of applying the adapted methodology in the practice of selecting ecological and biological measures for the restoration of the ecological network of the Ukrainian Polissia after the end of hostilities. The formed integrated approach to the study of natural territorial systems, as well as coordinated actions regarding the rational use, protection and restoration of natural resources will lead to positive results and guarantee the sustainable development of the unique Polissia.


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