


soil stratification, loosening-separating machine, organic fertilizers, crop rotation, technology, ecology, global warming, moisture conservation, abiotic factor.


Increasing the productivity of sugar beet, taking into account environmental safety and balanced nature management while improving agricultural technology, is relevant. Рurpose of the study was to assess the variability of productive moisture reserves in the typical chernozem of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine during the cultivation of sugar beet. Daily recording of air temperature, relative air humidity, amount and intensity of precipitation, soil surface temperature was carried out using an autonomous online weather station DAVIS Instruments Vantage Pro2 6162EU + an additional sensor for measuring soil surface temperature 6470 Stainless Steel Temperature Probe. With sugar beet cultivation technologies without the use of fertilizers, the water consumption coefficient is 156-182 m3 / t during plowing and 194-219 m3 / t when tilling the soil with a stratifier. Mineral fertilizers at a dose of N170P170K170 reduced the water consumption coefficient for plowing by 2 times, and for stratification by more than 2.5 times, bringing it to 75-92 m3/t. The introduction of 70 t/ha of manure required additional provision of soil moisture with a water consumption coefficient of more than 100 m3/t. We obtained a significant dependence of rational water consumption in sugar beet crops on such elements of agricultural technology as the application of mineral fertilizers and manure in combination with stratification. For the first time, taking into account environmental safety and balanced nature management, the rational parameters of the elements of agricultural technology for growing sugar beet for efficient agricultural production were determined and analyzed, subject to the restoration of the fertility of the chernozems of the Forest-Steppe.


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