


wheat yield, grain protein content, sedimentation, protein fractions.


An important indicator of wheat grain quality is the ratio of individual protein fractions of wheat grain, especially the fractions of gluten proteins (glutenins and gliadins). Gliadins have been shown to be monomeric proteins that affect dough properties such as viscosity and extensibility. Glutenins are capable of forming high-polymer macromolecular aggregates and affect such important dough parameters as elasticity and elasticity. It has been shown that the protein profile of wheat grain proteins by molecular weight is specific to each wheat variety and its technological class. One of the most powerful tools for expanding the genetic diversity of wheat, in particular with regard to quality traits, is remote hybridization with wild relatives, which carry an inexhaustible reserve of economically valuable traits. It is known that wild species with low grain productivity are able to accumulate a hypertrophied amount of protein in the grain. The aim of this study was to determine the breeding value of wheat distant hybridization derivatives by agronomic and biochemical parameters related to grain quality. Field, laboratory and statistical methods were used to obtain the results of the research described in the article. The improved introgressive lines of winter bread wheat obtained as a result of hybridization of primary introgressive lines and amphiploids with Aegilops tauschi and Elymus sibiricus with modern varieties of PBGI–NCSCI selection were analyzed for biochemical parameters related to the formation of grain quality. A method for the quantitative determination of individual grain protein fractions with different molecular weights using high-performance liquid chromatography was developed. The study of protein content and its fractional composition allowed to reveal the genotypic features of the studied lines according to these indicators. The conducted studies allowed us to recommend the following biochemical parameters for the evaluation of new wheat genetic material for grain quality: protein content, absolute protein content per 1000 grains, gluten content, sedimentation and content of individual fractions of glutenins and gliadins and their ratio. Based on the study, introgressive lines were identified that may be of interest for further breeding work in southern Ukraine, provided that alien gene complexes are preserved, and the biochemical parameters used in the study of the lines can be used to select genotypes valuable for grain quality.


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