


water pollution, toxicopharmacological effect, lethal concentrations, probit analysis, fish mortality, chemical composition of water.


Data on the negative effect of chlorpyrophos on carp larvae using chemical and toxicological analysis are presented. The toxicity of the compound was determined by the biotesting method and in model experiments, the purpose of which was to conduct a comparative analysis of the pharmatotoxicological effect of the toxicant in different conditions. As a result of the analysis, it was established that for carp larvae in model experiments, the LC50 of chlorpyrophos was 0.009 mg/dm3 when exposed in solutions for 96 hours. During biotesting in water with different degrees of pollution of natural reservoirs, the LC50 under the action of chlorpyrophos was 0.255 mg/dm3, which is almost 30 times higher than by the chemical method. The low pharmacological effect of chlorpyrophos on carp larvae according to the results of biotesting of water quality is associated with the presence of biota in the reservoir, which can affect the toxicity of this compound. It is obvious that as a result of their vital activity, they can deactivate this pesticide. According to the results of our research, it was established that in all studied reservoirs, production processes significantly prevailed over destructive ones, and the A/R ratio reached 95.5. A significant increase in bioproduction is associated with a significant content of biogens in the water of experimental reservoirs. The concentration of ammonium in the water of the experimental sites is on average 2.0 times higher, and nitrates and nitrites are 2.5 and 4.5 times higher than in the control reservoir. This obviously indicates the constant ingress of household water and runoff from agricultural land, rich in nitrogen compounds. Thus, the results of the studies testify that biotesting is a more advanced method of establishing the toxicity of a substance, since the action of the toxicant depends on many environmental factors of the environment, namely the features of the chemical composition of the water and the biota present in the reservoir. At the same time, it should be noted that simultaneously with the biotesting of the environment, it is also possible to fix the deviation of the test object from the norm according to morphological, physiological, biochemical, genetic and immune indicators. The obtained results provide a more complete description of the ecological state of the reservoir and the possibility of forecasting the further development of the ecological situation in the studied reservoirs.


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