
  • S. O. Sydorov




toxocara infection, Toxocara spp., zoonoses, population infection.


In the conditions of the growing tendency of the population to have a pet, the issue of protecting the owner’s health from zoonotic diseases is quite relevant. Toxocariasis is a zoonosis that has several forms of course. Starting from subclinical to visceral syndrome of migrating larvae. Which can affect different organ systems of the body, which complicates differentiation and diagnosis. Data on the prevalence of Toxocara canis IgG in humans in Ukraine and other countries are limited. Currently, there is no clear and effective algorithm for the registration of toxocariasis in both humans and animals. The purpose of the study is to determine the level of prevalence of toxocariasis among the population of Zaporizhzhia, to establish the peculiarities of distribution depending on gender and age. The article describes the study of the prevalence of toxocariasis in the population of Zaporizhzhia during 2020‑2022. 1175 blood serum samples were examined. Determination of blood serum for the presence of antibodies to Toxocara canis was carried out by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method, followed by statistical analysis of the obtained data using the chi-squared distribution test in the Statistica 13 program. According to the results of the study, a sufficient level of titer of antibodies to Toxocara canis was detected in 119 samples (10.1%). This is enough evidence of the high prevalence of this infection. A statistically significant increase in the level of infection with toxocariasis with age was also established (p > 0.01), and no statistically significant differences between genders were found. This study confirms the possible significantly higher percentage of seropositivity to toxocarosis, which can change the view on the epidemiology of this disease. After all, most studies are aimed at determining the level of Toxocara canis IgG in risk groups. Among which are most often people of younger age, due to insufficient attention to the observance of sanitary and hygienic rules and the increased possibility of contact with the ground. That is why, in order to reduce the prevalence of toxocariasis, a systematic educational program is required among the population of different age groups. Which will be aimed at informing people about the mechanisms of infection transmission and the ways that implement them. A separate link of the educational program can be introduced through veterinary medicine doctors for a more conscientious and responsible attitude of pet owners to antiparasitic treatment.


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