


power plants, UV-disinfection, recirculating nutrient solution, plant products of protected soil, hydroponic watering.


Decisive for solving food security problems in Ukraine while preserving and restoring the ecology of the environment should be an intensive method of management, i.e. the orientation of economic entities of their own activities on the innovative type of development, active use of scientific and technical developments and implementation of modern agricultural innovations. In its turn, the qualitative and quantitative indicators of crop production of protected soil depend on the technical condition of technological equipment. The purpose of the work is research and analysis of existing power plants for ultraviolet disinfection of recirculating nutrient solution in systems of automatic hydroponic irrigation of crops in a protected soil, as well as elucidation of the impact of filtration and disinfection of nutrient solution on the presence of microorganisms when reusing plants in systems. The paper investigates the ways to improve the operation of power plants for ultraviolet disinfection of recirculating nutrient solution in the cultivation of crop products of protected soil. It provides the value of the required radiation dose for 90% disinfection of the recirculation solution from various bacteria, viruses and fungal spores and the dependence of bactericidal efficiency on the wavelength of light. Ultraviolet rays with a length from 200 to 280 nm (UV-C range) have the most pronounced bactericidal effect. Research in this area has shown that the optimal wavelength for irradiation is 253.7 nm. As a result of such irradiation, microorganisms die or lose their ability to reproduce. It has been proven that the classical layout scheme of power plants for ultraviolet disinfection of the recirculation solution is inefficient, because it does not rid the recirculation solution of turbidity and the presence of iron and does not guarantee high efficiency of the ultraviolet disinfection plants. The paper describes the method of carbonate precipitation of metal ions, which is based on the formation of insoluble metal compounds as a result of treatment of an aqueous solution with carbonates or bicarbonates of alkali metals. Prospects for further research are the development of methods and tools to improve the operation of power plants for ultraviolet disinfection of recirculating nutrient solution in the cultivation of crop products of protected soil.


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